
2吳若權+戴爾美語總經理-陳文茜 1夏鑄九(臺大建築與城鄉所教授)馬英九三都十五縣 2. 臺北市文化局長李永萍-「世外桃源:龐畢度中心收藏展」20090701.mp3

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吳若權+戴爾美語總經理-陳文茜 1夏鑄九(台大建築與城鄉所教授)馬英九三都十五縣 2. 台北市文化局長李永萍-「世外桃源:龐畢度中心收藏展」20090701.mp3--臺北市立美術館與法國龐畢度中心繼2006年「新媒體藝術展1965-2000」後,再度以「世外桃源:龐畢度中心收藏展」攜手合作,並首度以主題策劃展的方式,為臺灣觀眾帶來重量級的現代藝術體驗。「世外桃源」展以古羅馬詩人所描述的田園牧歌般恬靜生活為主題,展出法國龐畢度中心所典藏的二十世紀重量級現代藝術作品,內容囊括畢卡索、馬諦斯、布拉克、波納爾、夏卡爾、杜布菲、克利、布紐爾等大師之素描、油畫、錄像、裝置等創作形式,總計約有八十件,其中更包括龐畢度中心難得出借的重要典藏作品。本展覽受古羅馬文學中的詩歌啟發,呼應法國古典主義畫家普桑筆下「阿卡迪亞牧人」對於生之喜悅與死亡的詮釋,延伸出十個子題,更進一步闡釋畫面中豐饒而合諧的感受、狂歡式的感官刺激,以及對於世事無常、浮華虛幻的辯證與思考,以嚴謹的主題論述,提綱挈領的方式,精采呈現現代藝術之精華。Following the Museum's 2006 cooperative exhibition New Media Collection 1965-2005 with the Pompidou Center, the two institutions are once again working hand in hand on their first thematic exhibition, Arcadie. Dans les Collections du Centre Pompidou, which will bring important contemporary artworks to Taiwan to be experienced firsthand. As its exhibition theme, Arcadie has taken the idyllic, pastoral life as described by ancient Roman poets.Containing a large number of the Pompidou's heavy-weight collection of twentieth century modern art, the exhibits will present eighty-three works of the great masters of drawing, painting, video and sculpture. These will include works by Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Georges Braque, Pierre Bonnard, Marc Chagall, Jean Dubuffet, Paul Klee and Luis Buñuel. Among those to be exhibited are many rarely lent important works of the Pompidou Center collection. The exhibition was inspired by the poetry of ancient Rome, which is echoed in the painting The Arcadian Shepherds by the French classicist, Nicolas Poussin, and presents the themes of death and the pleasures of life. Several exhibition themes are derived from the dialectical observations this painting provides in its inherently rich, harmonious and stimulating Bacchanalia, as well as the unpredictable variations of this world and its illusory ostentatiousness. Using a strictly narrative theme to make clear its points, this exhibition can be said to represent the essence of modern art.